unbelievably stupid can you get?
A group of
US soldiers in Afghanistan ,
charged with guarding Taliban suspects, first took away their Korans – in case
they would use them to pass secret messages to each other – and then burnt them. As if this wasn’t bad enough, they
were then careless enough to let other Afghans see them doing this and spread the happy news.

The Afghans
don’t like any foreigners telling
them what to do, and a large part of their obscure, complex tribal culture has
to do with their young men learning to use guns and any other weapons available
before they would be ready to shave (if, that is, they shaved, which they
generally don’t). The longer the US and other foreign forces
remained in the country, the more they were going to be resented and resisted.
It is hard to believe that all the experts in the State Department and the
Pentagon didn’t know this. Maybe they did, but just decided to ignore it. Or
maybe it was just one of the things, as Rumsfeld put it, they didn’t know that
they didn’t know.
At any
rate, we have moved from a situation where, a decade ago, most Afghans were
delighted to see the backs of the Taliban, to a situation where they are now
back in a powerful position and gaining ever more support from many Afghans,
who see them increasingly as potential liberators from foreign oppressors. What
a wonderful example of winning the war only to lose the peace.
Ok, so Afghanistan has
turned into a complete mess. To use a US military expression, SNAFU –
situation normal all fucked up. In the wake of 9/11, the collective US leadership seems to have forgotten one of the
major lessons of Vietnam ;
be careful about getting into a situation without a clear plan about how to get
out of it again. This was something Daddy Bush and Colin Powell understood
quite clearly when they sent their troops off to kick Saddam’s ass in Desert
Storm over twenty years ago. Dubya never learned this and Powell, apparently,
didn’t have the guts to make it clear to him. Anyway, the US – and all
their allies – now want nothing more than to get out of there as quickly as
possible. At least officially; the chances are that if they succeed in their
current disengagement plans there will still be thousands of “advisors” left
there, just as there are in Iraq .
But that’s all right, it’s just part of the neo-liberal wave of privatisation –
war can be privatised too; it passes off the nasty business to mercenaries, who
aren’t subject to the same degree of public control and scrutiny as national
armed forces, where influential private companies (like Academi, the Company Formerly Known as
Blackwater) can earn lots of money, and where military veterans with diverse
reasons for not wanting to return to civilian life can find well-paid work.
But even
getting out officially isn’t easy. I believe that the US and its allies don’t
really give a tinker’s curse about Afghanistan; as far as they are concerned,
if the Afghans are intent on living in a barbaric medieval theocracy, where women
are treated as chattels, those who don’t share the faith of the rulers live in
fear of death, and there’re more or less continual low-level wars between
various tribes, then they’re welcome to do so. Admittedly, there is the poppy
problem – Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of non-pharmaceutical
grade opiates (92% in 2007) and also, incidentally, the world’s largest
producer of hashish – but, despite all the hype about the so-called War on Drugs, I have a feeling that (for
all sorts of reasons, many sordid, which I won’t go into here) the US and most
other countries can live with that. No, the real problems are the two 500 pound
gorillas next door, Iran to
the west and, especially, Pakistan
to the east.
In the
ordinary course of events, Iran
would be the easier one. In terms of sympathy, the US and the west have little to lose
there anyway. But, leaving aside the large number of people within Iran (many of
whom are devout Muslims) who might just have been persuaded that the west could
offer them moral support and an alternative model for organising their country,
the last thing anyone could want right now is more propaganda fodder for Ahmadinejad
and the Islamicist mullahs pulling his strings. Israel
and Iran
are playing a dangerous game of nuclear chicken at the moment, with vast
possibilities of dire consequences and anything which adds fuel to that
particular mix, you would think, would be something anyone sane would want to
avoid at all costs. Maybe they forgot to tell that to the US soldiers who
decided to do some book-burning, and their superior officers who were ignorant
enough to allow the situation to develop where they could even consider the
The blatant
ignorance which gave rise to this Koran-burning incident is simply
mind-boggling. Apart from damaging any claim to some kind of moral high ground which
the US might like to appeal to in this whole situation – a claim which actually
had some justification in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 but which has been steadily
losing credibility ever since – it is abysmally stupid from a practical
strategic point of view. If the US
wants to ensure any kind of stability in the country and the region after the
troops are officially pulled out, the struggle for the hearts and minds of as
many Afghans as possible is more vital now than ever.
It makes me
wonder about the mind-set prevalent within the US Armed Forces, when any
trained soldiers would not be aware of the consequences of such an action. No
matter what strength of suspicion about the level of involvement of the
detainees with the Taliban, the burning of Korans is a gratuitous act of insane
provocation which can only suggest that those responsible are seriously
dehumanised. They are not the actions of troops who are fighting to defend the
ideals of the American republic throughout the world, but rather of arrogant,
imperial occupiers, who could best be compared to the Roman legionaries who
played dice at the foot of the cross of Jesus of Nazareth, whom most of them
regard as their Saviour and God.
NATO has apologised,
Obama has apologised, but it’s not doing all that much good. Perhaps because
the incident is not an isolated one. Only a few days earlier, pictures were
released of US
troops apparently urinating on the bodies of dead opponents. Not to mention all
the “collateral damage,” particularly the various killings of innocent children
since the ISAF forces arrived in Afghanistan over ten years ago. And
then, of course, there was that highly publicised Koran burning by that mad
pastor in Florida
last year, though at least that one can’t be blamed on the military.
One of the
frightening aspects of all this is that it doesn’t even seem to be creating
much of a stir in the US, more occupied as it is with Whitney Houston, the Oscars
and the ghastly, unreal comedy of the Republican presidential nomination
campaign. It would offer some kind of hope if there were any real signals of
some sort of public feelings of shame at the actions of its soldiers. But why
should the Roman public be concerned about the doings of its legionaries in a
remote country, mostly populated by religious fanatics; Pharisees, Sadducees
and Zealots – or raghead Salafists, Shi’ites and Talibans? Particularly when
there are more interesting bread and circus issues at home.